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    What do we do?

    We are a value-based community of passionate professionals who strive to win.

    We develop and grow individuals and teams to unleash their full potential. This is the foundation to find joy and satisfaction in their job. We do that through tailored training courses, blended learning programs, and extended learning solutions.

    By providing professional training, coaching, consulting, and diagnostic services we make sustainable change happen.


    We design and deliver training programs that are engaging, relevant, and practical. We motivate program participants to apply what they learned on the job and stimulate their implementation progress.


    We use various diagnostic tools to provide a clear understanding of the target group's initial state, the necessary direction and extent of development, and the result of progress. This approach makes the advancement process more focused and measurable.


    We help to define the outcomes that business stakeholders expect to be delivered through the learning and development initiatives and we design them accordingly. We help to align connected processes and systems so that desired change is supported and reinforced.

    How do we do it?

    Learning is not an event, but a process. The expected change in attitude or behavior does not happen overnight. It is therefore worth thinking of learning as a process with several consciously selected elements,  both in terms of purpose and methodology.

    The DEVELOR Development Journey is a 7-step process where important steps are taken before and after the actual training programs.

    At the beginning of a complex development program first, we have to raise participants’ AWARENESS (1) and gain their COMMITMENT (2) to personal change. They need to understand the personal benefits, and how the new competencies will contribute to their everyday success.

    A well-designed development process includes the LEARNING (3) of new theories and the intense PRACTICE (4) of them. Acquiring knowledge is ideally followed by an opportunity to try out and practice the newly learned skills in a safe environment.

    As a REINFORCEMENT (5) participants need to repeat and drill the desired behaviors and deepen what was learned. They must then start to apply it in their everyday lives in the IMPLEMENTATION (6) phase in a predesigned supportive environment with continuous feedback, correction, and support.

    At the end of the process, we reach the PERFORMANCE (7) phase where the expected mindset and new skills are embedded and appear as new routines.

    Learn more about our products

    Our colleagues

    • Managers
    • Experts
    • Sales & Customer Care
    • Back Office
    • Develor International

    DEVELOR is a proven partner

    We are proud of the projects we had in more than 30 years of our history. Whether a one-off training or complex development program, whether for a large international corporation or national SME.

    • Automotive
    • Bank - insurance
    • Construction
    • FMCG
    • Government
    • Retail
    • Manufacturing
    • Pharma
    • IT / Telecom
    • Services
    • Utility / Energy
    • Hotel

    DEVELOR in the world

    With a network of branches and strategic partners across the EMEA region we
    are an ideal partner for multinational projects as well as country initiatives.

    2 500+

    Clients so far See moreHide 


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    Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Egypt, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Oman, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom

    DEVELOR in the world

    With a network of branches and strategic partners across the EMEA region we
    are an ideal partner for multinational projects as well as country initiatives.


    Clients Projects Hide 

    11 240

    53 500

    Training days Participants Hide 

    24 2000

    Participants Clients Hide 


    Professionals Account Managgers Hide 



    Trainers Managers Hide 


    Account Managgers Trainers Hide 


    Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom

    Countries Hide 

    Let’s meet

    Whether it is to build new business or explore possibilities of working with us, we are always glad to meet and greet. Reach out and let’s start that conversation.

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