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    All levels

    Sales people on all levels

    Mid and line managers

    How many people?

    8 - 12

    How long will it take?

    2 days


    Stress is necessary to perform well and can inspire and motivate us if we handle it effectively. It gives us the inner stimulus to overcome the obstacles that are in the way of achieving our dreams and goals. However, if it gets beyond our control, it may cause diseases, can decrease our performance, and may jeopardize our self-esteem and balance. All this is especially true for leaders and managers who are constantly under heavy pressure due to high expectations, strict and short deadlines, and the responsibility they bear regarding their decisions and their subordinates.

    What shall we do then?
    We need to recognize such situations and manage them successfully.

    The course helps us avoid the impact of exaggerating stress in our private and professional lives, as well. The reasons, phases, the individual sensibility factors are presented and discussed and are measured by using special questionnaires and exercises.

    The fundamental objective of this course is to develop effective stress-managing strategies and teach a bunch of stress-releasing techniques to stay in balance and perform well in every field of our lives. The conscious shaping of stress impacts and the development of a sound flexibility level helps people work together in harmony and protect their physical and mental health.

    By the end of the session participants:

    • will influence the individual stress level, handle stress better, and also recognize their own and others’ stress symptoms
    • will choose and apply the best coping strategy to resolve the situation


    • Definition of stress, positive and negative stress, and symptoms
    • The effect of stress on the individuals and on the organization
    • Economical consequences of high stress
    • Performance in connection with stress, short and long-distance impacts
    • The individual roots of stress and the possible stress reactions + stress-level Meter (self-diagnostics) – Phases of stress
    • The burn-out
    • Coping strategies

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