
    DEVELOR International Zrt
    H-1074 Budapest, Rákóczi út 70-72.
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    Is independent learning the solution?

    Fast lifestyle, digitalization and the need for personalization changed
    our learning habits. We need more flexible, independent, yet impactful
    and efficient development programs.

    The L&D professionals in companies face the challenge - how to build
    a valuable program with diminishing control over where and how
    participants learn?

    Self-directed learning is becoming a trend. But how effective is it? Data shows
    that only 10% of participants finish the online course they started.

    That is why we consider it essential to combine the independent learning
    elements with ones held by the trainer during the process - whether in person
    or offline. This will ensure the desired impact and efficiency of learning.

    Insight 1

    Design a unique learning journey

    Every training program has a great deal of conscious
    thinking behind its flow. It is built with intention to cover
    the content, maintain dynamics and maximise the learning
    for all participants. If you “just split” an existing training
    program into a number of online and offline blocks, you will
    lose the internal consistency and risk the training effect.

    In our blended learning approach we combine offline
    and online elements consciously.

    We design blended programs along two main dimensions:
    time and space of learning. We attend to objectives,
    options and limitations of every learning element, take into
    consideration content, target group and program length.
    This way we build a program that ensures maximum
    development impact, while keeping it flexible,
    personalised and interactive for participants.

    Insight 2

    Create participant engagement

    Participant engagement and motivation to learn is key to
    the success of any development program. We need to
    ensure that participants remain active throughout their
    learning journey.
    This requires focus on flexibility, personalization, and a high
    degree of interactivity. Balancing the online and offline
    dimension, is part of most blended learning programs.

    But harmony has to be a goal between independent
    (asynchronous) and trainer-lead (synchronous) learning
    elements as well. Challenging home assignments,
    microlearning nuggets, game-based activities or online simulations are just a few examples of DEVELOR’s versatile
    toolkit that can be applied.

    Insight 3

    Work with a Learning Architect

    Each Blended Learning program is exceptional in its kind.
    Its structure and content are determined not only by
    customer needs and participant preferences, but also by
    technical possibilities and constraints as well.
    Target results can be achieved in several ways. The wide
    range of different learning methods and tools can make it
    difficult to choose and find the best solution.

    This is where DEVELOR’s Learning Architects can help you.
    They assess your needs and map the specifics to design
    the most suitable learning program for you. This makes
    each program a unique learning experience.

    Looking for help with Blending Learning?

    Let’s talk and build the right solution for you.
    Leave your details and we will contact you shortly.