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    Foster collaboration or face extinction

    The reason why humankind is the species on the top
    of the food chain has something to do with our
    evolved brains.

    But much more to do with our ability to form effective
    units that strive for common goals. Especially in
    unfavorable conditions.

    Many organisations face the threat changing reality. The response that helps to
    stay afloat is not isolation. It is to foster collaboration - internally and with the
    outside world.

    The internal response frequently involves hybrid operation, remote work
    arrangements and geographically remote teams. There is an expectation for the
    teams to remain collaborative. 

    Foster collaboration or face extinction

    The reason why humankind is the species on the top
    of the food chain has something to do with our
    evolved brains.

    But much more to do with our ability to form effective
    units that strive for common goals. Especially in
    unfavorable conditions.

    Many organisations face the threat changing reality. The response that helps to
    stay afloat is not isolation. It is to foster collaboration - internally and with the
    outside world.

    The internal response frequently involves hybrid operation, remote work
    arrangements and geographically remote teams. There is an expectation for the
    teams to remain collaborative. 

    Insight 1

    The challenge of remoteness

    Teams need to construct communication channels and
    establish patterns of frequency. New virtual etiquette
    needs to be followed while maintaining the company

    Frequently a collaboration operational model is required to
    ensure daily, weekly routines of discussion meetings, one-
    on-one coaching sessions and work reviews.

    A technological, digital challenge needs to be answered by
    deciding on which digital tools are the most effective for
    the purposes of collaboration, communication, remaining
    creative and effective in making decisions.

    Insight 2

    The challenge of unclear roles and competences

    Traditional hierarchies and decision making lines have
    collapsed. Frequently there is no ultimate knowledge with
    the manager about which decision would be suitable in the
    given situation.
    New competences are emerging to be crucially important.
    It seems that autonomous teams with high levels of
    engagement and the ability to grow are key to the future.

    Insight 3

    Let’s co-create the right solution for your team!

    With a joint effort of diagnosing the right intervention,
    DEVELOR learning architects can design the right solution.
    This can include establishing communication channels;
    developing virtual collaboration norms and designing the
    collaboration operational model.

    We can support the team to select the right digital tools for
    the right purpose.

    Let’s create a team building events online or through
    experiential learning activities.

    Ultimately, with the unique Team Sociomapping tool, we
    can enhance the effectiveness of team cohesion.

    Our solutions for this topic