
    DEVELOR International Zrt
    H-1074 Budapest, Rákóczi út 70-72.
    Budapest, Hungary

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    How does team composition and team dynamics impact team effectiveness? Google researchers asked this question. Data on 180 teams tested with 35 different statistical models tells one clear story. What really matters is less about WHO is on the team and more about HOW the team works together.

    So what does it tell us? To have teams at their best what matters is their operation model, the skills of collaboration in place and cohesion that glues it together. To improve that, you must know the status quo. And that’s where our search for the team spirit magic potion starts.

    To address the team ailments, we look at Collaboration & Team building through the

    DEVELOR Collaboration Lense

    Assess Teamwork and Collaboration

    The tribes which collaborate better, prosper. The tribes which fail to collaborate, simply disappear. This is also true for business tribes – teams and organizations.

    When and how should you rebuild the team?

    Act, when you see declining team performance and efficiency, higher rate of conflicts, diminishing trust between team members. An intervention is also needed if there are newcomers in the team or other organizational changes.

    An expert diagnosis of collaboration is a start. 

    It helps you understand before you act. From understanding you build an action plan, step up your collaboration and evolve. What diagnostic options do you have?

    • Team Sociomapping can assess Communication and Remote Operation Efficiency.
    • Lencioni Team Assessment, suited for top management, identifies the team dysfunctions.
    • Insights Team Wheel and Lumina Team Circle analyse the team composition.
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    Improve Operation

    Last year many teams started working completely online or in a hybrid way. But have they reached expertise in remote and hybrid collaboration in the past months? Some of them have..

    Many teams still struggle

    We still meet teams, where team goals are not defined or unclear. Team routines are missing or do not help the collaboration. Team members don’t know whom to turn to, when, and with what question. Many times work-related communication is not adjusted to the new reality of remote work – neither in form, nor in timing. 

    Teams must constantly reinvent themselves:

    • create and share mission, vision, clear goals and responsibilities
    • agree to and implement (remote) collaboration routines, tools, and techniques
    • regularly assess the adequacy of those, because the situation changes. 

    In all stages of this process we help with well defined facilitation flow as well as expert advice.

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    Develop Skills

    Can a team with clear goals, established routines and collaboration norms still have problems? Well of course. The cause is often in skill deficiency – either from the manager or from the employees’ side. 

    Which skills might be the root of team dysfunction?

    • leading remote or hybrid teams
    • creating a psychologically safe environment
    • communicating, collaborating or understanding ourselves and others

    Lacking skills which build healthy teams?

    Skills above help build open, diverse and balanced teams. Unfortunately, people often lack them. It’s no shame to admit you or your team miss expertise in any of them. It’s the start of a growth journey. 

    Targeted training courses in our portfolio address collaboration skills for remote as well as hybrid team work.

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    Enhance Team Spirit

    How do the teams feel after months of isolation? Often terrible. Even if performance didn’t drop, the feeling of belonging and camaraderie is diminishing. 

    It is high time to boost the team spirit

    Is it possible to replace the atmosphere of personal team gathering with an online event? It is – run an engaging experiential learning activity or insert short, but powerful, game-based team building element into your regular online routine. It will make a major contribution to the strengthening of cooperation and team cohesion. 

    Our set of plug-n-play team building and team-cohesion activities can be conveniently used either with a small team or with a whole department, with our guidance or fully independently. 

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    About DEVELOR

    We are an international training and development company. For 27 years help shape the human element of companies success. We are present in 16 countries in Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia. We deliver memorable learning, help achieve manageable change of behaviour and drive measurable impact.




    We grow individuals
    and teams
    at work.

    Various Ways to Improve Collaboration, Build Team Spirit & Cohesion

    There are no two identical teams. Therefore, for every team and every possible situation, our Learning Journey Architects build a unique solution. We create a blend, in which we select the best assessment tools and interventions for what your team needs. We take into consideration your time and space constrains, preferred platforms and other team and organisational specifics.

    • Virtual Class
    • Webinar
    • Team Asssessments
    • Online Workshop
    • Online Consultations
    • Online Coaching

    Virtual Class

    The virtual classroom is suitable to train lacking skills of collaboration, both for leaders and team members.

    It resembles the classical face-to-face training and takes advantage of digital solutions. It is a great way to learn, experience and practice skills. 

    In VIRTUAL CLASSROOM, participants,

    • engage in interactive presentations
    • handle group assignments and even,
    • practice skills with colleagues, just like in person.

    To ensure interactivity and best possible engagement, we limit the virtual class to 6-12 participants. Usual duration is under 120 minutes.

    Virtual Class

    The virtual classroom is suitable to train lacking skills of collaboration, both for leaders and team members.

    It resembles the classical face-to-face training and takes advantage of digital solutions. It is a great way to learn, experience and practice skills. 

    In VIRTUAL CLASSROOM, participants,

    • engage in interactive presentations
    • handle group assignments and even,
    • practice skills with colleagues, just like in person.

    To ensure interactivity and best possible engagement, we limit the virtual class to 6-12 participants. Usual duration is under 120 minutes.


    For webinar we bring people together in order to inform, lecture, update or discuss. Unlike the virtual classroom, it is more about delivering a certain content and share knowlege. However, it doesn’t mean that a webinar is a tiring presentation. On the contrary, a good webinar is highly interactive and involving.

    Through WEBINAR session:

    • Contribute to the discussion via chat window and Q&A session
    • Express their opinion in polls and online voting
    • Share materials on their screen

    This type of virtual session is suitable for larger audiences as well. The length shall not exceed 90 minutes.


    For webinar we bring people together in order to inform, lecture, update or discuss. Unlike the virtual classroom, it is more about delivering a certain content and share knowlege. However, it doesn’t mean that a webinar is a tiring presentation. On the contrary, a good webinar is highly interactive and involving.

    Through WEBINAR session:

    • Contribute to the discussion via chat window and Q&A session
    • Express their opinion in polls and online voting
    • Share materials on their screen

    This type of virtual session is suitable for larger audiences as well. The length shall not exceed 90 minutes.

    Team Asssessments

    Assessing the status quo opens the door to insightful discussions, which then lead to solutions. For that it’s important to choose top assessment tools and know how to deploy them. 

    Each assessment brings a unique look into the team dynamics and composition. Once reports are ready, the crucial step comes – review, understand and find valuable insights with the team.

    We offer a range of highly ASSESSMENT OPTIONS, such as:

    • Team Sociomapping – the world leading method for team dynamics mapping, trusted by NASA
    • Insights Discovery Team Profile and Lumina Team Circle – leading typology tools which advance the value through specialised team profiles.
    • Lencioni Team Assessment – assesses the top management teams in 5 crucial aspects that enable performance

    Team Asssessments

    Assessing the status quo opens the door to insightful discussions, which then lead to solutions. For that it’s important to choose top assessment tools and know how to deploy them. 

    Each assessment brings a unique look into the team dynamics and composition. Once reports are ready, the crucial step comes – review, understand and find valuable insights with the team.

    We offer a range of highly ASSESSMENT OPTIONS, such as:

    • Team Sociomapping – the world leading method for team dynamics mapping, trusted by NASA
    • Insights Discovery Team Profile and Lumina Team Circle – leading typology tools which advance the value through specialised team profiles.
    • Lencioni Team Assessment – assesses the top management teams in 5 crucial aspects that enable performance

    Online Workshop

    Now it is easy to run an online collaborative workshop. This is particularly useful when your team is undergoing assessment (Sociomapping, Lencioni, Insights or Lumina).

    Online team collaboration workshops are a great format to openly discuss important questions. 

    Throughout the ONLINE WORKSHOP, the team can

    • analyse the results of presented diagnostics,
    • review issues and their root causes,
    • brainstorm and shortlist possible actions,
    • reach an agreement under skilled leadership of our facilitator.

    In most cases one workshop lasts 1,5 – 3 hours and it is suitable for a dedicated team.

    Online Workshop

    Now it is easy to run an online collaborative workshop. This is particularly useful when your team is undergoing assessment (Sociomapping, Lencioni, Insights or Lumina).

    Online team collaboration workshops are a great format to openly discuss important questions. 

    Throughout the ONLINE WORKSHOP, the team can

    • analyse the results of presented diagnostics,
    • review issues and their root causes,
    • brainstorm and shortlist possible actions,
    • reach an agreement under skilled leadership of our facilitator.

    In most cases one workshop lasts 1,5 – 3 hours and it is suitable for a dedicated team.

    Online Consultations

    This type of virtual interaction is recommended as a follow-up on a previous training course. The purpose is to provide further support in the topic, deepen knowledge, discuss cases and challenges and receive direct support from the trainer.

    During an ONLINE CONSULTATION the trainer and the participants:

    • see and hear each other through voice and video chat,
    • share and edit materials,
    • discuss cases together, just like in a face-to-face classroom.

    Depending on the topic in question, it is recommended to organize these sessions one-on-one or in a micro group (2-3 people).

    The length of the session is 45-60 minutes.

    Online Consultations

    This type of virtual interaction is recommended as a follow-up on a previous training course. The purpose is to provide further support in the topic, deepen knowledge, discuss cases and challenges and receive direct support from the trainer

    During an ONLINE CONSULTATION the trainer and the participants:

    • see and hear each other through voice and video chat,
    • share and edit materials,
    • discuss cases together, just like in a face-to-face classroom.

    Depending on the topic in question, it is recommended to organize these sessions one-on-one or in a micro group (2-3 people).

    The length of the session is 45-60 minutes.

    Online Coaching

    Remote online coaching is a good way to support the coachee in achieving a specific personal or professional goal or providing individual feedback following a recent diagnostics.


    During the ONLINE COACHING the coach and the coachee

    • see and hear each other through voice and video chat,
    • share and edit materials,
    • discuss cases together, just like in a face-to-face session.

    Similar to face-to-face coaching sessions, online coaching can be a one-time event or a series of sessions, focusing on specific development goals.

    The recommended length of a one session is 60-90 minutes.

    Online Coaching

    Remote online coaching is a good way to support the coachee in achieving a specific personal or professional goal or providing individual feedback following a recent diagnostics.

    During the ONLINE COACHING the coach and the coachee

    • see and hear each other through voice and video chat,
    • share and edit materials,
    • discuss cases together, just like in a face-to-face session.

    Similar to face-to-face coaching sessions, online coaching can be a one-time event or a series of sessions, focusing on specific development goals.

    The recommended length of a one session is 60-90 minutes.

    DEVELOR is a Proven Partner for Collaboration & Teambuilding

    As a global company with the local presence we have helped in developing collaboration, transforming teams and fostering team spirit in XY companies across globe.
    We are efficient and quick in action!

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