In the previous blog we discussed the maturity of companies from perspective of education on level 1 and 2. Today we focus on the next two levels.
Level 3: Effective training manager
At this stage no training is being realized without proper needs analysis. The line managers accept the trainer and his expertise and can cooperate. During the analysis the root cause of problems and weak results are identified and the trainer figures out the real training need and finds a solution that is consulted with the responsible managers. If there is a training evaluation in place, it is usually in the form of satisfaction questionnaires filled by the training participants. HR is still perceived as a supporting back-office service. It is their main weakness they measure the training impact insufficiently and hence miss adequate arguments. They would need involvement of the managers to conduct proper measurement; however they deem it red tape at this level. The implementation of an effective evaluation system can be considered the breaking point between relatively undeveloped and realtively developed organization, moving towards level 4.
Level 4: Training and development consultant as a business partner
The company does neither rely on standard nor general training modules, but prefers solutions tailor-made to the current situation as lived by the company employees. The processes are structured and run systematically, focusing on current challenges and operative tasks. The training specialists are perceived by both line and higher management as business partners. It can sound easily: To move the company towards higher maturity level it is a prerequisite they start to evaluate their development. What we are facing in reality however is the mind shift in thinking of at least the mid manager. He/she understands the training is not enough to make things change and the main miracle happens thanks to coaching and supporting environment they are able to create. The training department is a consultant and provides support and at the same time takes care of the training realization. However the manager himself/herself understands his/her key role that presents 70% impact on the potential success.
Source: Inspired by Institute of Maturity and Paul Kearns.