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    Leading Change – How to change the way of working of thousands?

    Transformation of a bank from local branches to international collaborative, smart & lean platform to enable a launch of a new digital project



    To enable growth in profitability, driven by changes in positive customer experience and rapid technological innovations, our customer – a large international bank – decided to adopt significant changes in their business operating model in one of their key regions, that covers more than 5 countries.

    The idea was to create a more collaborative platform across all functions for experts – from IT experts to project managers to risk specialists – to get the most attractive & best value for both their current and future customers.

    They also wanted to upgrade the support of local business teams with new quality in smarter services created in Centers of Excellence across Europe.

    Better HQ coordination of vital multi-country projects was also one of the key expected outcomes. It is fair to admit that this need emerged in a specific context of banking environment already in 2015; with more liquidity in the market, new digital players entering the market, digital trends, growing interest of customers in comparators of all kinds and substantial changes in legal environment that will change the segment forever as it happened with telecommunication industry a couple of years ago.

    At the beginning, the PROJECT was first a significant change project and an investment. One of 2 large scale endeavors to enable future revenue growth of the whole bank. There were about 70 people involved in the project, led by a transformation/project manager. However, no one was dedicated for managing the human side of this huge change, and no specific process was implemented on the topic, either. Our aim was to provide the bank with our professional change management support with the approach of „Don´t give fish to people; teach them to fish”. In other words, our aim was to help the company emancipate in change management and become independent and successful in implementing change.


    Should you be interested in our solution please contact us!

    1. Diagnose and Engage – Understanding what it takes to change
    2. Building transformation team competencies & designing the framework – Creating capacity for change
    3. Launching the change
 – Aligned in doing the right moves in the right time



    Countries involved                5
    Employees influenced              2000+
    Scale of the Project              Billion of EUR, 20+ project streams, complexity, interdependencies...
    Preparation Phase Length          6 months, since Sept 2016
    Implementation Phase              2017-2020
    Project Launch                    mid 2017
    Certified Change Leaders          20+
    Change Tools Documented           15+
    Develor Consulting MDs            30+
    Develor Workshops                 15
    Develor Interviews                25+
    Meetings with Regional CEO        5
    Meetings with Global CEO          2
    Number of Flights                 20+
    Change Readiness start            ~5%; “nearly impossible”,“hard to imagine”, “no-go”
    Change Readiness finish           ~100%; “clear governance, well defined roles, sound rationale and change plan”
    Launch of the Program (3m)        Smooth Launch, Active team
    Sustainability              As of beginning of 2017, conscious change management is an inherent part of all projects influencing people in the bank. 
                                Within the first quarter, structured change methodology applied in 3 more projects.


    We support your leadership team in closing the implementation gap. We help your people to build bridges between AS IS and TO BE.

    We assist our existing customers accross the business world in close to 20 countries to implement changes ranging from customer experience solutions, to lean & smart programs, to switching to new business models, transfering business and more. Our role is to make the change process work and make it easier. Eventually we found out that the principle that our partners value most is co-creation. In case of large scale change programs, it means that we can provide you with our best resources to co-create, co-train and co-facilitate the transition for a limited time and help your management achieve the positive effects throughout the organization faster.

    Our added value is that we can help you make the change program a far more engaging experience for the people who will join the initiative and we can help you get rid of the burden of uncertainty of „what´s going on” this project, while leaving full control in your hands.

    Check out our downloads library, where you can find helpful and practical materials.