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    Wandera is an international software development company which focuses on mobile security and remote access. DEVELOR with the help of our partners at QED Group, invited Radomír Antoš, their VP of Engineering to speak at the RE/Think HR.

    What did we learn from Radomirs’ entry into the discussion?

    Rapid growth requires readiness

    When Radomír joined the company, it was on the verge of explosive growth. The team was technically on a very high level, however from the collaboration perspective, the organization wasn’t ready for the growth period. This was one of the triggers that led Radomír to initiate an important leadership development project.

    In the project in focus, Radomír wanted not only to develop skills of the leaders, but also enable broader discussion of the way of work and include the full team, not only leaders.

    That is why they utilised the sociomapping tool to help them identify the weak spots or confirm assumptions of strengths in collaboration. Sociomapping measures and visualises the frequency, importance and quality of communication.


    Sociomapping gives you great insights into the team.

    Together with the team-lead the teams studied the team situation and were able to identify and address the areas of collaboration, which were lacking. This helped Wandera to nurture the culture of open communication.


    I saw that the team-lead’s collaboration really improved.

    Pandemic tested the readiness again

    Wandera, as other organizations, very quickly reacted to the pandemic in March 2020 by going into full remote mode.

    What were steps that helped them retain a good level of communication and engagement?

    • Clear rules set from day one across all teams
    • Regular and often points to review and reflect
    • Including all leadership levels into decision making
    • Giving attention to cross-team communication, using leaders in it
    • Retaining habits from physical world in an online environment

    If you wish to dive deeper, watch the 10 minutes recording of the presentation by Radomír from the RE/Think HR webinar, where he explains more.

    We are very grateful to Mr Antoš for his time to share with our international HR community their best practices from Wandera.

    To find out more about the mentioned sociomapping, contact us here. Our consultants will gladly demonstrate the advantages of this tool in leadership, collaboration and team-building efforts.

    Stay in the conversation about the best practices

    In the upcoming week we will release the summary of the second speaker, Mr Matus Horvath from Slido. He shared with us the three things which worked and three which didn’t. If you don’t want to miss it, follow our LinkedIn.

    Also, do not forget to register yourself, or notify your HR head to do so, for the next International RE/Think HR Webinar here.

    Handle hybrid operations

    Leave your e-mail and get the latest e-book packed with tested tips on how to operate in a hybrid team.