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    Manousos Maropakis

    Managing Director, Master Trainer

    Manousos is a graduate of the Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Business Administration. He has worked as a sales manager and trade marketing manager in major Greek and multinational companies. He has worked with TEAM Business Consultants for five years as a training partner and shareholder.

    He has been trained as a consultant in Management, Category Management, Merchandising, Sales Techniques, Communication, and Presentation Techniques in Denmark, England, and France. He has trained over 35,000 people in major corporations and educational institutions in Greece, the Balkans, and Cyprus in Management, Sales, Merchandising, Negotiation skills, Communication skills, Customer Service, Presentation Skills, Personal Development, Motivation, Τime & Stress management.

    He has designed and implemented over 500 Experiential Direction seminars through the Kolb methodology. Alongside, he acts as a consultant for the design and implementation of the Strategy for Organizations & Companies in Greece and Cyprus. He has been a keynote speaker at many conferences and corporate meetings. He is a certified trainer in Lego® Serious Play® methodology.