Zolo is a trainer and coach who has a passion for his work, a focus on the desired goal and a natural learning process. He combines these three elements in his training sessions and meetings.
Zolo translates his 15 years of experience in psychology, management and people development into real-world learning experiences. He is known in the Slovak team for his empathy and analytical skills. He has long specialized in talent development and corporate diagnostics.
However, he is also very enthusiastic about new and modern topics. His current challenge is to be agile and to adapt the on-site training currently underway to the emerging needs of the participants.
Amgen, Bekaert, BNP Paribas, CRH, Dr. Max, Faurecia, Fremach, FTE, HB Reavis, HubHub, Glaxosmithkline, Plastic Omnium, Lidl, Lyreco, Manz, Michatek, NN Životná poisťovňa, SSE, Samsung, Saneca Pharma, T-Systems, VSE, VSD, ZSE
2013 - | Develor Slovakia, consultant, coach, trainer |
2013 - | Private medical-educational sanatorium, psychologist |
2007 - 2013 | Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Pezinok, psychologist |
2012 - | Megavox, s.r.o., psychological counselling and coaching |
2010 - 2012 | Allianz -Slovak Insurance, sales representative |
2010 - 2012 | Terrapsy, Personal Development Advisor |
Slovak, English