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    No wonder that identifying talents within a corporation has become very important, if not crucial, nowadays. Yet keeping our fingers on the talent pulse of our corporation and knowing our talents are still far from ideal. The talent pool should be properly trained, and leaders must take ownership for this process.

    Nowadays, when it comes to the identification of talents, in most cases the aspects that are taken into consideration are the performance and the relationship with their managers. However, if the potential of a talent is properly gauged, the results a company can reach are much better.

    It is very important to inform the talent about the possibility of engaging in a talent program and let them make a decision whether they want to do it or not. If the talent decides to get on the train, the managers must become fully engaged and it is highly advised to take ownership for the training processes, unless they want to waste money and time for both the company and the talent being developed.

    DEVELOR has come up with a solid end-to-end experience in Talent Management (design and delivery) by establishing an objective system that ensures the proper selection of talents and high-potentials focused on their growth potential.

    Basically, a multi-stage identification and selection process has been created for identifying the talents, comprising the following ten steps, and therefore providing an easy checklist.

    1. Definition of program goals, focuses and content
    2. Definition of steps of specific talent review process
    3. Preparation and development of selection tools
    4. Communication of the program within the company
    5. Nomination of candidates and evaluation of applications (PRE-SELECTION #1)
    6. CAPTain online test (PRE-SELECTION #2)
    7. Assessment Center (FINAL SELECTION)
    8. Decision about the selected candidates
    9. Feedback to candidates
    10. Talent Development program

    Many times companies do not make the selection of talents with the utmost depth and awareness,” says Reka Greff, Learning Experience Manager of DEVELOR International. “Without enough experience, they often fall into the trap of trying to solve the talent selection on their own. As a result, important steps or aspects are left out of the process, which endangers the success of the future talent program. Colleagues identified merely on the basis of their good performance may not be able to show any further growth, while others with significant growth potential remain hidden and unnoticed,” the professional adds.

    Success of the process depends on many factors, such as having clearly defined talent program goals, for example. Additionally, a detailed project plan and a communication plan should be established for the whole process. It is also very beneficial to get the local management engaged and trained as related to the process. This way, the thorough development of standardized selection tools (CAPTain Online ideal job profile, Assessment Center exercises and evaluation toolkit) becomes easy. Furthermore, it is also very important to carry out consistent and objective evaluations, while also providing constructive feedback to the candidates, even if they are not selected.

    By receiving improper feedback, the motivation of those ambitious and enthusiastic colleagues, who were finally not selected to the program, can be seriously undermined. This is why it is worth to consult with experts in this regard as well,” Reka notes.

    “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships,” world renowned NBA star Michael Jordan once said, and he grasped the essence quite well. In order to make your talents be key players in your business in the long run, they must be trained in teams and the whole process must supervised by their managers who are willing to get engaged in it.

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