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    Many times the greatest progress is hidden in the most obvious steps which are not taken. Defining clear purpose and sticking to helpful agenda are obvious. But are you doing them?


    Paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin: "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail". Have you ever attended an unprepared meeting with unprepared participants? If you have, you know why preparation is in our top 5 list for success.


    Virtual space is not natural to humankind. Evolutionary honed principles of behaviour which we naturally observe in offline interaction seem to lack in the online space. Let’s fix it with netiquette.


    There is no greater sin in a meeting than creating dead-eyed participants whose sole purpose is to count down the time that the host will torture them without even interacting.


    You meet to discuss issues, find solutions, progress forward. Can that be achieved without safe environment? Hardly so. Build psychological safety in online meetings. It’s important.


    Practical action points to help you take immediate action.

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