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    Target group

    HR People

    Managers who are involved in the recruitment process

    How many people?

    8 - 12

    How long will it take?

    2 days

    Nobody was born by being a professional interviewer, but both the necessary skills and the effectivenes­s can be developed. During the training we go step by step, thus build up the customized and effective competency-based recruitment process. The participants will get familiar with the importance and steps of the preparation phase, acquire the tricks of analysing CVs and thus will be able to conduct a well-structured interview. The participants will learn, during a well-structured interview how to raise the appropriate questions in the right moment, how to analyse the candidate’s behaviour and body language or simply gather the main messages.

    With appropriate preparation and following the rules of a structured interview HR professionals and recruiting managers will be able to show positive image on their company, increase its acknowledgement, thus attract the talented ideal candidates with higher chances.

    Interview techniques

    Course objectives

    • increase the efficiency of recruitment by effectively planning and preparing the prerequisites and criteria of the selection
    • applying appropriate interview techniques and evaluating the applicants objectively


    • the factors of effective recruitment
    • the importance of gathering and selecting information
    • the way of a well-structured recruitment process
    • the role of job description and candidate profile in the process
    • the competency approach in recruitment
    • the right understanding of CV and cover letter
    • the behavior patterns during a structured job interview
    • effective methods for conducting a structured job interview
    • methods for evaluating the candidates and making a decision

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