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    2 x 0,5 day

    The recent reality is not short of challenges. Constant change, uncertainty, rapid adaptation, and dealing with unexpected situations can overwhelm us very quickly if we don’t take care of one of our most important resources – our emotions.

    But why emotions matter in our work?

    The answer is very simple: independent studies showed that if we are happy and filled with positive emotions, we are more productive, more creative and go for a sick leave less often.

    In remote or hybrid work, our private and professional lives are often significantly intertwined. The winning strategy in the pursuit of self-efficacy is to achieve balance and conscious integration: to work efficiently, to remain calm in tense situations, and to devote time to self-care and regeneration.

    During the workshop we discover the role, advantages and disadvantages of different emotions in certain life situations, then take a deep dive into a modern approach of stress management. We learn 4 coping mechanisms that can help us in a stressful situation, and a number of simple, immediate techniques related to them.

    By the end of the session participants:

    • discover their own preferences and ways of dealing with stress
    • understand how to use these to better cope with difficult situations
    • learn tools and tips to build a peace of mind and efficiency every day


    • Consequences of the pandemic – how to deal with emotions in the VUCA world?
    • Why do we need emotions at work? – current research
    • Styles of coping with stress – benefits and threats
    • Tools for working with emotions under stress – managing emotional energy for the sake of effectiveness
    • Setting boundaries: maintaining work-life balance vs integration
    • Emergency toolkit: practical exercises, breathing and movement techniques in case of high stress


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