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    Our sabotage is caused by the “Saboteurs” in our minds. These Saboteurs are our inner enemies. They are a set of automatic and usual patterns of mind, each with its own voice, beliefs and assumptions that work against our best interests.

    These saboteurs were formed in our childhood, when they played a very important role: they helped us survive physically and emotionally as a kid. However, they greatly limit our potential as an adult. When faced with challenges, stress or uncomfortable situations, our Saboteurs get activated, and we fall into old, negative, self-sabotaging thinking and behavior patterns.

    Most of the time we are not even aware of these self-sabotaging thoughts, only feel the consequences – we are stressed, anxious, frustrated, disappointed, our performance decreases….

    The program is built on the groundbreaking research of Shirzad Chamine and his concept of Positive Intelligence. The program encourages participants to take an inward journey and realize who those internal saboteurs are who hinder their progress. During the training they become aware of the potential saboteurs, how they manifest themselves in our lives, well as the possible reasons why they were created. They receive recommendations on how to identify and deal with their internal saboteurs to improve their performance and general well-being.


    Course Objectives:

    By the end of the session participants will be able to:

    • Understand the concept and impact of internal saboteurs on their life and performance
    • Identify their internal saboteurs
    • Learn how to tame their saboteurs


    • The notion of Positive Intelligence
    • Why do we have saboteurs in us and where did they come from?
    • Get to know the 10 types of saboteurs: characteristics, thoughts, feeling, justification lies
    • Meet your own saboteurs -personal assessment
    • Learn and practice to recognize the saboteurs
    • The modern definition of stress and the neuroscience behind
    • Tame your saboteurs
    • The core muscles of Mental Fitness
    • Meet your „Sage” and its primary powers


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