All levels
Mid-level leaders
8 -12
2 days
It has become a major topic to increase employee engagement throughout the whole organization. However, the way to accomplish it seems to be puzzling. It cannot be achieved through a mechanical approach. What we know for sure is that it requires company’s employees to have intrinsic motivation and a work environment where they are motivated to offer more of their full capability and potential. Immediate leaders have the most influence on this environment, creating those conditions that encourage engagement to grow.
Therefore the aim of this programme is to increase the awareness of high- and mid-level leaders of their importance, power and responsibility in creating this environment for their direct reports and also to equip and enable them with the appropriate leadership tools and practical approaches.
We build on the 5 elements of the MAGIC model, which explores how to increase motivation and engagement using 5 notions; Meaning, Autonomy, Growth, Impact and Connection. The leaders will also learn the phases of the Employee Journey and how to approach the needs and concerns of company’s employees in the various stages.
Course objectives