Project team of HR, communication, marketing, business
Top management in goal setting and approvals
8 - 12
6 - 12 weeks
The war for talents is over. Talents won, according to Josh Bersin. If you want to win at the marketplace, first you must win at the workplace, and in this battle a strong employer brand that not only attracts the best talents, but retains the employees, is a must.
Every company has an EMPLOYER BRAND even if it was not designed consciously: how people perceive you as an employer. This brand might be improved or just defined in details.
In our approach the EMPLOYEE VALUE PROPOSITION (EVP) is the core of the Employer Branding projects, it is a set of associations and offerings provided by an organization in return for the skills, capabilities and experiences an employee brings to the organization. Based on our experiences the process ideally starts with the selection of Core Jobs/Positions we have challenges with and that we are going to focus on during the branding project. Then EMPLOYEE PERSONAS are to be created to each Core Job. A fictional description of an ideal candidate – demographics, skills, mindset, personal goals and expectations in the form of motivations and frustrations. The EVP should be fully aligned to the Personas.
Finally, as an umbrella brand the company’s CORE POSITIONING has to be defined. In case of an international organization a global/international brand creation can complete the process.
We work in strong collaboration with the HR, communication and marketing, with the involvement of the top management who’s contribution is a crucial success factor, as they play important role in the execution and implementation of the brand elements created by the project team.
Employer Branding and Employee Engagement go hand in hand. We cannot focus on the external aspects only, but we should make our proposition true for the existing employees for better retention and higher engagement. Our approach is different from the mainstream, we start from the bottom (Employee Personas) and complete the project with the brand itself.
Starting with Employee personas help us to make the Value Proposition and the brand more aligned with the staff and avoid generalization and superficiality.
Execution happens in co-creation with HR and Communication, and the involvement of the top management. We provide all the templates and canvasses needed to make the process fast, efficient and comprehensive. Our projects save significant recruitment budgets and provide extra tangible value for the partner.