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    Target group

    Sales professionals in B2B Sales

    How many people?

    8 - 12

    How long will it take?

    2 days

    In the 21st century as client interactions are more channelled onto the internet, it is more and more difficult to reach new customers, so sales prospecting activities become a must for organizations.

    Sales prospecting requires patience and perseverence. It is not only sales people who receive high numbers of refusals and objections, but the sales lead time is long and they need to be in the right place at the right time. The art is in knowing the ideal behaviours in influencing multiple people in an organization to ensure closing the deal.

    The course is designed to make sales people understand how organizations make their purchase decisions in order to be able to build winning strategies. The course explores both the efficient processes and the related sales objectives, activities and effective behaviours to enable sales people to become successful in their sales acquisition.

    Research-based acquisition

    On the programme participants understand the buying process and its stages, and learn about the ideal behaviours that increase the chances of closing a deal. Then they discover that multiple people in an organization are involved formally or informally in making a decision, all of those with different responsibilities and interests, which salespeople need to address. Participants also learn a practical step-by-step process, which guarantees the highest probability of success in getting an appointment, where they can demonstrate their credibility, gain trust and present their value proposition.

    Course objectives

    • understand the buying cycle stages of the customer; design tailored behaviours accordingly
    • identify decision unit members; discover their motives and adapt the presentations to these motives
    • carry out research for known and hidden needs
    • design a winning contacting strategy and tailor e-mails to generate a memorable first impression
    • prepare for the first impression phone call in a tailored manner
    • carry out legendary preparation with unexpected facts to create customer trust and credibility


    • the 3 reasons of denial
    • The Buying Cycle – when people buy
    • Decision Making Unit The
    • research-based acquisition process
    • contacting channels and their utilization
    • The Hook – the right reason for getting in touch
    • strategies for acquisition, designing company’s strategies
    • getting an appointment
    • company specific situation exercises or live phone calls to company’s potential customers

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