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    Target group

    All levels

    How many people?

    8 - 12

    How long will it take?

    2 days

    OUR CURRENT WORK STYLE differs very much from how we managed our work a decade ago; now the tasks and duties are far too flexible and often unclear, we need to cope with constant changes and huge information flow, and with too many distractions. The “old-fashioned” time management courses do not provide a solution for these new conditions.

    WE NEED A SYSTEM THAT IS FLEXIBLE ENOUGH to meet these new challenges and which saves us more time than it takes to operate it. It must be a system that we can rely on, and therefore we don’t need to keep everything in our mind and thus can become free and fully open to the present moment and to new things in front of us. Our course is derived from such a system: the Getting Things Done method (GTD) developed by the American writer David Allen. The programme will be tailored for company’s corporate practices.

    Task & Time management

    PARTICIPANTS WILL GET some quick wins they can immediately use, become familiar with 4 key principles that alone make us more effective and relaxed. Those who decide to implement this system fully will enjoy how it puts order in our heads, helps us to prioritize and accomplish our tasks on time and in a stress-free manner. On the course, we will implement a few steps that allow participants to try this system out.

    Course objectives

    • apply 4 principles in overall approach to managing tasks and time
    • get prepared to introduce a new system and customize it to individual needs collect all stuff that capture attention, whether in physical, virtual or “in-mind” form
    • process and organize the collected items, so that they will be able to find them, or be reminded of them
    • know when and how to review the status of tasks to achieve goals
    • use the full capacity of brain by freeing short-term memory to live and work in a productive and less stressful way


    • 4 principles to become instantly more efficient and productive
    • overview of the process and the objectives and logic of each step
    • collecting all of our tasks, duties, projects and ideas that we want to manage
    • creating a system for ourselves that ensures that we find things quickly and easily
    • managing e-mails
    • handling procrastination and distractions with the system
    • individual action plan