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    22. september 2020 15:30 - 16:00 CET


    ZOOM business - confirmed applicants will receive the connection details in a calendar invitation.

    For whom

    Chief HR Officers, HR Directors, HR Manager

    There are times when others’ best practices have immense value. These days when companies face unprecedented challenges it is not a shame but the best decision to listen to and learn from other HR managers, their good practices and ways of coping with the fundamental changes. During our webinar, you can hear some concrete best practices of HR Managers from various countries and you will have the chance to share your dilemmas and ideas with others in small group discussions. The results of our Restart survey will be shared.

    This webinar series is exclusive to HR Manager and HR Director guests only and due to the interactivity, there are limited seats.

    Session 2: How to (re)engage and (re)motivate in uncertain times

    Drive Wellbeing to Avoid Burnout – Case of Metro Cash & Carry

    Iryna Bryzhak, HR Director, Metro Cash & Carry Ukraine showcased the “Dare to Care” culture of Metro which drives both engagement and wellbeing. High wellbeing results in physical, mental and social health and it serves as the “activator of culture” to be able to dare. Metro reached outstanding KPIs as the impact of the new culture and related HR initiatives. Find out more in the Lesson Learnt article here.

    Smart Hybrid – Case of BAT Hungary

    Dora Szasz, HR Manager, BAT Hungary talked about the set-up of the framework of hybrid operation. BAT decided to go hybrid to boost motivation and to sustain the business. The setup of the new way of operation was created on area level. All functional heads were interviewed to assess their needs and to make the system as tailored as possible. The final outcome is an operation framework based on the same principles but with a high level of flexibility to the functions. Find more in the Lesson Learnt article here.

    Discussion Groups

    In the small discussion groups the 60+ attendees openly discussed their highlights of the efforts to keep engagement and motivation up.

    Opening & Closing Remarks

    In his entries Zsolt Pozvai, Global CEO of DEVELOR highlighted that there are significant changes in motivation since the start of the pandemic, and it requires new coping strategies from HR and a highly personalized approach from the managers.

    The host

    This event is organised by DEVELOR, leading training & development company in EMEA.

    The next webinar

    The next webinar of our RE/Think HR series can always be found at www.develor.com/rethink-hr.