DEVELOR makes Learning Memorable
Over 25 years of experience we have witnessed that corporate employees have developed low levels of expectations towards training courses. Training is experienced as a sometimes boring necessity that brings employees together in an essentially similar classroom format. Although great theories are supported by excellent instructors, the learning in the classroom is frequently washed away by the hassle of the following working days.
DEVELOR is committed to exceed the learner’s expectations and to focus on the joint development of attitude, skills and behavior. Involving experiential learning exercises, exciting computer simulations, coaching and non-traditional learning methods, which are supported by our unique EnterTrainingTM online learning platform, break the rhythm of the training. While on the course, participants can work in teams by the pool, participate in real-life testing and voting and set individual commitments for the future. All of these combined create a powerful memorable learning experience.
DEVELOR makes Change Manageable
The famous-infamous Brinkerhoff study proves that in an “old school” training environment 85% of the participants fail to implement a sustainable behavior change after the training course. That means 10 out of 12 people in a classical training are on the course in vain. This shocking fact surely brings dissatisfaction to business leaders and HR professionals alike.
The solution is DEVELOR’s revolutionary x-learning concept, which extends the learning in time and in depth, with thorough preparatory work, aiming at the motivation of the participants and with messages preparing them for the change in behavior. More importantly, tenfold of the usual effort is put into supporting the application of newly learnt skills through various online and traditional tools, internal systems, processes and enforcing activities. Development of the participant is continuously monitored by the manager and the trainer, and most importantly by the individual, because the feeling of progress is the best motivator for change.
The „Knowing-Doing gap” (Knowledge vs. Implementation) is the biggest obstacle to be addressed.
The 4 steps of our method in order to make the behavior change happen are as follows:
- Defining „critical behaviors” which has strategic importance in line with business objectives
- Managing the initial resistance of participants to make them open for the change
- Overcoming the knowing-doing gap with the help of the x-learning© concept
- Measure the behavior change and the business KPI growth to create the “Chain of evidence” about Return on Expectations
DEVELOR makes Results Measurable
A lot of organizations claim that their people are their greatest asset. However, if things turn worse the first budget to cut is the training budget without hesitation; hence they withdraw recourses from the development of their own human capital, because they do not think that development of people contributes to the bottom line. Most Board of Directors and HR professionals are content with this contradiction.
DEVELOR challenges this status quo; we believe that the ultimate measurement of training interventions is the contribution to the business results. We trust that all training courses and related interventions shall demonstrate a clear chain of evidence how and to what extent it contributed to business results. With our Develor Value Chain methodology we guarantee that it happens.