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    October 5, 2022
    13:00 - 14:30 CET


    Online - ZOOM webinar

    For whom

    HR and business leaders

    About the event

    The topic of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging is more and more at the forefront of companies management. Opening the discussion and addressing underlying reasons behind problems is difficult. But we all must do it, if we want to further better our teams and organizations. 

    Get inspired

    Hundreds of leaders are dealing with same challenges as you. Why not tap into their knowledge?

    Why come?

    • Hear from others how they approach this difficult and important subject
    • Understand what all aspects you should be taking into consideration in DEIB area
    • See what programs and ready-made solutions are available to support your role as an HR leader or manager

    You will hear from insightful speakers

    Roman Bojko

    Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Leader for IKEA (CZ, HU, SK)

    Roman works within Ingka Group on creating an inclusive and diverse work environment. He’s heading the DEIB initiatives across wide spectrum within region of three Central European countries, as well as advocates the topic in the eyes of the public for IKEA.

    Anne Ezeh

    Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at GE Gas Power (Europe, Middle East & Africa)

    Besides acting as Communications & PR Director, Anne also leads the Inclusion & Diversity council to develop and implement a comprehensive, integrated diversity & Inclusion strategy for the EMEA region at GE. 

    Mihály Nagy

    HR Operations Lead LV, CV, PT for Europe & Africa at Dana Incorporated

    Mihály is an experienced international HR leader, as well as Diversity & Inclusion trainer. He has experience delivering DEI workshops in Europe and in South Africa. He will share his experiences as well as insights into what Dana Corporation is doing.

    You will also meet our DEVELOR experts

    Pavlína Moudrá

    Head of Learning, Lean and NEB L&D,  KONE, Trainer for DEVELOR Czech

    Pavlina is a seasoned HR professional active with DEIB agenda. She led the development of DEVELOR’s Diversity & Inclusion training.

    Pavlina will share her experiences from KONE as well as perspective of DEIB trainer.

    Marianna Khonina

    Managing Director, DEVELOR Ukraine

    Marianna will guide you throughout the whole event as a host. She’s leading the Ukrainian branch.

    Program of the event

    • Opening and welcome of the guests
    • Keynote by a DEVELOR expert
    • Discussion: external guests and a DEVELOR representative discuss the importance and good practices in area of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging
    • Introduction of related DEVELOR’s programs
    • Questions and answers

    Join the international community

    There’s no barrier to join. Come, listen and ask your question. We are looking forward to having you. 

    Logistics of the event

    Free of charge

    The webinar is free of charge for HR professionals and people managers. For consultants and trainers, please inquire about attendance.

    How to connect?

    We run webinars via ZOOM platform. You will receive a notification to your calendar with the link to connect, as well as other connection details. 

    What if I cannot attend?

    Nevermind. Just get in touch with us and we can summarize the content for you. Or watch out for the recording on our social media.

    About DEVELOR

    International consulting and training company that helps businesses improve their efficiency by developing the potential of their employees and teams.

    We have been effectively implementing educational projects in 16 countries of the EMEA region for 30 years now.

    The company’s specialization is complex consulting and training solutions that influence the change of staff behavior and increase business indicators.

    We grow individuals and teams at work.

    What is RE/Think HR

    RE/Think HR is an international webinar series organized by us – DEVELOR – to connect, inspire and engage international community of HR leaders and managers in important topics.

    We are running this webinar series since 2020 to engage, inspire and connect the international community of HR leaders and managers. 

    • Ten successful events
    • An average of 112 registrants from 16 countries
    • 75% participants come 3+ times