Learning is not an event, but a process” – more and more organizations recognize the impact of the Brinckerhoff study: The effect of any people’s development strongly depends on what we do before and after the training. Develor’s X-learning concept is a way to extend the learning both in time and in depth.
Develor puts extra efforts into preparing both the participants and the organization for the desired mindset and behavior change. Besides usual preparation interviews and online questionnaires, we put emphasis on surveying the exact needs and analyzing the current level of behavior of the participants with our broad diagnostics toolset. The goal and the target group define the proper tools to use: from competency testing through shadowing or Mystery Shopping to 360 degree evaluation or Development Centers.
The design of content of a complex development project starts with the definition of main business KPIs to be improved; this is the source of the definition of critical behaviors to be developed in order to achieve the expected result. Develor professionals follow the logic of the Kirkpatrick planning mechanism to ensure the organizational impact of our programs.
The role of the change management elements is to create a desire to change their current practices. Likewise, we ensure that the organization, the direct superiors, the peers and other stakeholder react favorably and supportively to the new behavior.
After the training, behavior application support tools, processes, systems and activities are implemented, to ensure that the motivated participant carries the motivation and the commitment forward into the usual working days. We implement monitoring systems that provide instant and continuous feedback to both the organization and the participant; as we know that the greatest motivator for change is the progress of change itself.
The conscious and structured delivery of the x-learning approach is the guarantee that the development program contributes to the business results and it is demonstrating the evidence that the training intervention has created value to the organization.