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    Attract, retain and engage

    The priorities of the attraction-retention-engagement triangle might change by the time
    but the highly engaged staff will remain the differentiating factor on the market. The rapid
    and intense change of the labor market driven by the pandemic shifted the balance of

    HR with management collaboration must react consciously again to ensure the
    competitive advantage of the labor force.

    Our Employee Experience services include the assessment
    of the situation from various aspects. Creation and revision
    of the employee journey will help to adapt better to today’s
    significant changes.

    We put special focus on enabling management to
    implement what has been created.

    Attract, retain and engage

    The priorities of the attraction-retention-engagement triangle might change by the time
    but the highly engaged staff will remain the differentiating factor on the market. The rapid
    and intense change of the labor market driven by the pandemic shifted the balance of

    HR with management collaboration must react consciously again to ensure the
    competitive advantage of the labor force.

    Our Employee Experience services include the assessment
    of the situation from various aspects. Creation and revision
    of the employee journey will help to adapt better to today’s
    significant changes.

    We put special focus on enabling management to
    implement what has been created.

    Insight 1

    Employee Value Proposition in the core

    Our Employee Experience services create a strong
    employer brand and an engaging environment and culture
    through the complete lifecycle of the candidates and
    employees. Our conscious process starts with the
    understanding of the needs of the employees and

    We design employee personas which can be used when
    designing the employee value proposition (EVP). EVP is an
    attractive and differentiating promise for the existing and
    future employees. This phase is completed with the
    presentation and approval of the detailed employee
    persona descriptions and the related EVPs.

    Insight 2

    Employee Journey Mapping framework

    Are you aware of the candidates’ and employees’
    expectations, goals and frustrations? If not – or you if you
    are aware, but don’t act on the insights – retention cannot
    be improved significantly.

    The best way to assess these is the employee journey
    map. It is a complete lifecycle view of experiences that an
    employee goes through – from awareness of
    dissatisfaction with the previous job till exiting the new

    The continuous improvement of the phases and
    touchpoints of the employee journey is the best way to
    create an attractive and engaging work environment.

    The process can be completed with the co-creation of the
    employer brand, the company’s core positioning. In case
    of international organizations a global positioning can
    extend the project, serving as an umbrella brand.

    Insight 3

    Keep an eye on implementation

    Our tried and tested process is fully tailored to the certain
    company and has internal & external focus thus driving not
    only the recruitment activities, but also the retention and
    engagement of employees.

    Our involvement saves HR costs for the company and
    increases efficiency of recruitment marketing as well. Our
    role is to plan and facilitate the entire process with the
    active involvement of HR, marketing and communication.

    The final document of the project is a practical Employer
    Brand Book. We support the implementation of the ideal
    employee journey as well to make the transformation

    The training of managers for how to create an engaging
    environment enables them to use the tool-set with the highest impact.

    Our solutions for this topic

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