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    Denis Bulejka

    Trainer, Coach

    Denis has a wide range of experience in development and is able to effectively link and translate this into different areas. With his technical background, he can give structure and naturalness to things, and so there are those who are looking for logic in the issues. He has experience in both sales and people management, both in finance and corporate.

    Because of this broad background, he is able to establish himself very well on the issues of the people he works with and trains. He enjoys doing his job in a way that produces results. Denis is also the author of a book that deals with stress and how to manage it effectively.


    • Insights Discovery personality typology, leadership and management skills, presentation skills, communication skills, stress management, business skills, coaching and mentoring, assessment and development centres


    DB Schenker, EOS KSI, Dedoles, Bekaert, Dr. Max, VSE, Saint-Gobain, SHELL, British American Tobacco, KRUK CZ&SK, UNIQA, VÚB, CEVA Logistics, OVB, PartnerGroup, Daren&Curtis, GoodYear, C-Solutions, Fann parfumerie, Dachser, ASSECO, Svet zdravia, Tatra banka, Pixel Federation, DXC Technology, T-Systems, Swiss Re


    2020 - Develor Slovakia, trainer, coach
    2016 - 2019 KRUK Czech and Slovak Republic, trainer and HR business partner
    2014 - 2016 Best Life, trainer and coach
    2012 - 2014 Uniqua insurance company, trainer, chief administrator for e-learning
    2008 - 2014 AGE Group, sales manager and trainer
    2004 - 2008 G-Profit, manager

    Language skills
