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    Juraj Skalský

    Trainer, Consultant

    If you can say about one of the coaches that he lives what he coaches, it is Juraj. He manages to win over the participants with his authentic, friendly and at the same time professional and result-oriented approach. What people appreciate about him is that he is a practitioner and presents different methodologies and theory as possible solutions to specific problems and situations with concrete examples. Despite his education in the humanities, he himself is one of those people who learn most from practice and are not afraid of possible mistakes.

    Gradually, since 2006, he has been profiling himself as "sales-oriented" with a focus on business communication, negotiation and management, with an accent on the necessity and need to work with our habits and routines, which many times limit us in our performance but also in our satisfaction.


    • Negotiation
    • Conflict management
    • Sales skills and solution selling
    • Management and leadership skills
    • Presentation skills
    • Habit change and personal productivity
    • Time/priority management
    • Management workshops
    • Customer typology


    Hyundai, KIA, Toyota Material Handling, ABB (CZ/SK), Hennlich, Philips, Global Payments, Česká spořitelna, Reiffeisen stavební spořitelna, Unicredit leasing, HPE, Delicom, Datalan, Softip, Anect, Fujitsu, Slovanet, Telekom, PosAm, Kofola, Mapa Spontex, Lyreco, Budiš, Geis, Stredoslovenská Energetika, Západoslovenská energetika, SPP, e.On, ČEZ, Enviropol, Engie, DSV, Strabag, Lenovo, Bauholding, Enviropol, Lundbeck, Leo Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, Roche, Teva

    2020 - Develor Slovakia, trainer, consultant, coach
    2006 - 2020 Towers Consulting, trainer, consultant, coach, branch representative in Slovakia
    2001 - 2006 Slovak telekom, Senior Specialist of Educational Needs for B2B segment
    1997 - 2001 Unibanka, area manager for sales stimulation and promotion
    1996 - 1997 Open Society Foundation, Programme Coordinator

    Language skills

    Slovak, Czech, English