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    Pavlína Moudrá

    Trainer, Coach

    Pavlína has experience in leadership positions in business, both from her own business and from multinational companies, ranging from setting up processes in companies to human resources management to management training in international environments.

    Experience from many years of consultancy work and guiding helps to perceive the needs of customers. He has the ability to engage audiences and make sessions lively, entertaining and interactive.


    • Training: change management, management and leadership skills, training of trainers
    • Consulting and coaching: top management workshops, 360 feedback, performance management system, talent management, assessment and development centers


    CEVA, DB Schenker, KONE, REBUT, Greiner Assistec, Glaxo Smith Kline, Západoslovenská Energetika, Papera, EdHouse, Adient, Re-Swiss, Prazdroj, Egis, Microsoft, KLEMENT, BPWCR, Nordická komora, Pražská Teplárenská

    Professional experience

    2020 - DEVELOR Czech, trainer, consultant, coach
    2016 - KONE Industrial-koncern, HR manager, trainer
    2006 - 2016 KLEMENT, HR Director, Process Management
    2004 - 2012 AT Management services, owner, coach, consultant
    2001 - 2004 ČEZ, Education Specialist
    1996 - 2001 Cambridge Academy Barcelona, English teacher