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    Managing complexity and leading in the VUCA world

    The complexity of businesses increases at an accelerating pace. Only a
    few organizations are still simple - with the situation stable and the link
    between cause and effect clear. Many more companies are complicated,
    with a range of good answers to any question.

    And everyday more and more organizations - or parts of their operations -
    are becoming complex, so that we can deduce the cause-effect
    relationship only in retrospect and there are no right answers.

    Coping with the VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous)
    poses a challenge to almost everyone with management responsibility

    Leading complex organizations or solving complex problems especially
    in a continuously changing environment requires a growth mindset and
    a new set of adaptive leadership competencies.

    Insight 1

    Mindset makes the difference

    What is more important in leadership – skills or mindset?
    The focus of leadership development needs to move from
    techniques to redefining leadership mindset. This will equip
    managers with the ability to handle complexity and

    Growth mindset is the starting point – not only for leaders,
    for all. With a growth mindset people thrive on challenge,
    see failure as a springboard for growth and celebrate success for all.

    The other cornerstone is courage, the ability to take risk
    and responsibility for our actions. Courage can thrive only
    in the environment of psychological safety, a culture where
    people are not afraid to speak up and ask questions.

    How can leaders build this environment of growth mindset
    and safety? Only if they are in the right frame of mind and
    take the action. That is what we focus on in our leadership

    Insight 2

    Skills of the future

    The VUCA prime model calls for leaders to focus on
    building Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility. These
    will help to cope with and overcome the daunting and
    paralyzing impacts of the VUCA world. Future leadership
    skills are developed with various ways of complex offline
    and online programs.


    Our game-based learning has a crucial role when raising
    the attention of leaders to those areas that are relevant for
    them today and tomorrow. VUCA challenge and Mission to
    Mars programs engage participants and create a sense of

    Insight 3

    Leadership routines for sustainability

    The proper mindset makes people open for change,
    answering the question: “Why to change?” This is why we
    start the training programs with mindset shift courses.

    The second question is “How to behave now?” This we
    answer through structured development of relevant
    leadership skills.

    The worst thing that can happen is to have motivated and
    trained leaders and throw them in the system, where they
    are not given space to use the new mindset and routines.

    That’s why the Leadership Operating Model (LOM) – a
    collection of expected routines of activities for a certain
    group of managers – must be set or reviewed.
    That will answer the question for leaders “What practices
    do I run with my people?”

    Our solutions for Future Leadership