All levels
8 - 12
2 days
Nowadays one needs more than excellent knowledge of a field for results at the workplace. Only those can be successful in human communities who are able to understand others, their situation and motivations, and are able to relate, communicate, or even lead based on this knowledge.
The ability of turning knowledge into performance in a community is a determining factor. Personality cannot be torn into two parts. Intellect and emotions display a very tight relationship, and none of them is dispensable for success at a workplace. However, in many cases we think we are making rational decisions, after all this is what we have learned at school. In most cases, behind our decisions there are emotions almost every time, even behind decisions that seem to be rational at first glimpse.
After a short theoretical study at the training we will examine the relation of emotions and performance, and based on appropriate self knowledge, we will establish the bases for self confidence and proper ways of relationships with colleagues. We will learn ways to effectively handle our own emotions, get acquainted with levels of empathy, and how to influence the emotions and performance of our colleagues.
Course objectives