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    Target group

    All levels

    How many people?

    8 - 12

    How long will it take?

    1 - 2 days

    Today, as work and private life become more and more intertwined, it is becoming increasingly difficult to answer these questions. To find our desired balance we do not merely need a different attitude, but also different methods and approaches to managing life.

    The objective of the training is to help participants recognize and find ‘quality time’, which would mean value and joy to them. We will aid participants to discover those things that can provide them with recreational plus in their work. These are experiences that are refreshing and inspirational, and may even lead to a flow experience.

    The starting point is the analysis of the current life style, and through recognizing their own drivers. The participants will discover how to work effectively on reaching important goals both at work and in private life. We also reveal the personal barriers, set up constructive goals and review negative and positive copying strategies.

    Work-Life balance

    The program also offers stress managing and recreational techniques so that the participants can develop a life with greater balance. The training supports the participants by effective approaches and strategies, practical ideas and tools to increase self-efficiency and stress-releasing techniques to be able to sustain balance in the long run.

    Course objectives

    • prepare an individual development and solution plan based on personal diagnostics
    • become able to create healthy and harmonic balance between their tasks at work and in private life


    • our current lifestyle, the ‘circle of life’
    • individual drivers, motivators and objectives
    • the elements of personal life and work – how to synchronize them better
    • recognizing the recreational plus in work
    • definition of ‘quality time’ – personal path to a quality life
    • recognizing stressors at work and in private life
    • positive strategy and technique for handling stress
    • balanced personality Individual goals

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